Picture Gallery

 Ducks free range grazing on one of the many pastures.

ducks raised organic eggs

Egg Room. The chicken is a size scale. Eggs are gathered throughout the day.   

Ohadi duck eggs eggs room graded

 Another barn with 2 grazing areas attached.

duck barn on Ohadi ranch

 Free range grazing on the hillside.

Idaho Ohadi duck eggs free range

Nesting boxes in one of the barns. Plastic tubs are great, easy to clean and the ducks love them.

Ohadi duck eggs nesting boxes

 The ducks love the Idaho country life . . .eating, . . .sleeping. . egg . . . eating . . . sleeping . . . egg.

green pastures for free range organic ducks
duck barn in for the night

The courtyard between two barns where the ducks come at the end of the day is wonderful for shelter from predators and the weather.

Ohadi duck eggs water trough

Ducks love to play in the water and drink lots of water too. To keep them from getting in and splashing, a custom waterer was designed to refill automatically with a  bar across the top, allowing them to drink their fill, but not get in.